Dr. L.S. Chandrakant (India)
Director, 1975-1980

"The most important investment any country can make is in its human resource - in the education, training and energizing of its people..."
Dr. Yogyandra Saran (India)
Director, 1980-1985

"The College should also act as a clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of information in all aspects of TET..."
Dr. Robert McCaig (Australia)
Director, 1985-1989

"It is skills in dealing with people that become tools of the trade for the leader..."
Dr. Thamrongsak Moenjak (Thailand)
Director, 1989-1991

"The College has come a long way since it's inception and new and better things are yet to come..."
Dr. Isaac Goodine (Canada)
Director, 1991-1992

"Think of ourselves not as citizens of our country but as members of a global village..."
Dr. C.K. Basu (India)
Director, 1992-1997

"The College must continue to provide high standard of service amidst changes in personnel..."
Dr. Bernardo Adiviso (Philippines)
Director, 1997-2002

"We should not only manage change, but also create change."
Dr. Man Gon Park (South Korea)
Director, 2002-2005 / Director General, 2005-2007

"Managing CPSC is ensuring stability and growth amidst moving currents; we should forsee the waves ahead and let CPSC advance under one-flow, one-frame principle..."
Dr. Shyamal Majumdar (India)
Director General, 2007-2011

"Teach Mind, Touch Heart and Transform Lives."
Dr. Mohammad Naim Yaakub (Malaysia)
Director General, 2011-2015

"CPSC (Colombo Plan Staff College) stays ATOP (A Team of Professionals) serving ASAP (As Smart as Possible) with CARE (CPSC Accelerating Regional Excellence) through IRIS (Innovation, Responsiveness, Inclusion, Sustainability)"
Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane (Nepal)
Director General, 2016-2021

"Q-SMILE - Quality Services with Scholarly Inititatives, Multicultural Environment, Integrity, Leadership and Participatory Decision Making and Empathy & Care for Clients"
Prof. G.L.D. Wickramasinghe (Sri Lanka)
Director General, 2022-2024

"A Globally-Renowed Center for the Transformation of TVET by Leading Change in an Era of Sustainability, 4IR and Digital Transformation"

Dr. Iluminada Espino (OIC) - 1991
Dr. Rajesh Khambayat (OIC) - 2011
Prof. G. Kulanthaivel (Acting Director General) - 2015-2016