We welcome you with great honor to the official website of the Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education (CPSC), an inter-governmental organization for Human Resources Development in Asia and the Pacific Region based in Manila, Philippines. Accept our deep appreciation to you, dear Reader, for continuously taking interest in CPSC and its programs and activities. We take great pleasure to continue have been started in keeping CPSC a truly unique organization of technical education and learning, knowledge building, knowledge sharing, prosperity, harmony and mutual recognition with underlying aim to promote Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for all. Strategically, we are geared towards supporting global understanding in TVET system development under the principles of Education for All and in support of Sustainable Development through TVET. We are also keen to constantly align our work program in the mainstream development frameworks and need-based trainings at country level. Stronger partnership and networking are significantly utilized to create more opportunities for our member countries and similar organizations with common goals. Collectively, we are determined to see CPSC grow with our participating members, our stakeholders and other beneficiaries. This website is committed to serve as a window and rich information resource base to what is happening around the Asia Pacific region and initiatives in TVET, technical teacher education and related areas . It is of paramount importance to us to share with you what initiatives and opportunities are out there to serve as vehicle for pursuing life long learning and availing of opportunities for potential cooperation. CPSC has started implementing the new Corporate Plan 2008-2013 which is set to guide us in traversing the road to becoming a lead HRD Intergovernmental Organization for sustainable TVET in emerging global knowledge-based society. Furthermore, we affirm our strong belief in the value of maintaining a Quality Culture, which we have actively sustained in the College. Our mission is to create and provide a sustained quality service for all CPSC clientele consistent with our international ISO certification on our Quality Management System for planning, designing, organizing, conducting, evaluating and improving demand-driven training programs and projects in TVET, research and development, consultancy and information technology. This Quality Culture shall be backed up by our management principles which we call the 3 Cs, 3Ts and 3Es: 3Cs for Continue, Change and Create; 3Ts for Teach Mind, Touch Heart, and Transform Life; and 3Es for Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness. Thank you. Dr. Naim Yaakub | ![]() |