DATE & VENUE: | 16-20 Dec 2019 | Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal |
PROGRAM CODE: | 19-20/ICPNPL (In-Country Program) |
TARGET GROUP: | TVET leaders and TVET institutes’ administrators of employment-promoting TVET organizations. |
COLLABORATING PARTNER: | Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Nepal |
Transforming TVET requires change and adaptation as per advancement of modern leadership skills and traits. One of the perceived bottlenecks in effecting change in TVET institutions relates to the lack of change leaders and a lack of capacity to develop a vision and implement change. Transformative leaders need to have a clear vision, a sound thematic knowledge base and have the skills to drive change. They are experts in their fields and familiar with current theories, facts and figures and are able to make sound decisions. They are also able to capitalize on their knowledge to translate ideas into goals and eventually into action. They build support for the implementation of their vision by convincing colleagues, staff and other experts and defend their decisions convincingly.
Effective leadership education must be existing and drawn by understanding of effective practice. Leadership is about managing change and guiding growth in fluid environments. Leadership requires a ‘change capable culture’ that gives space to lead. Moreover, to sustainably grow, a TVET Institutions are shifting from viewing leadership development as a “nice to have” to a “need to have”. Leadership development programs are critical to TVET Institutions for organizational goals.
Educational institutions are key players in changing the socio-economic condition of the society. The leadership plays a vital role in managing teaching and non-teaching staffs to produce TVET graduates as per the market demand and socio-economic elements of the community. Educational transformation and leadership are main driving forces to achieve or produce quality outputs from TVET institutions.
When TVET leaders recognize the forces that have shaped each generation, they can adapt their style to more effectively structure institution’s workflow, engage employees, and foster communication. Incorporating a range of strategies that promote collaborative relationships among the generations is a vital characteristic of strong TVET Leaders. Leveraging generational strengths requires strategic commitment but the outcome is a stronger, more innovative, adaptable, and productive TVET Institutions.
Most of the organizations (i.e. TVET Institutions) today accommodate diverse work ethics, work cultures, and therefore, varying degree of workplace conflicts. Thus, this opportunity has encouraged the organizations or institutions to create the most out of the conflicts from a diverse workforce instead of losing the capability which may help the organizations to be more capable and influential. The responsibility of the institutions’ leaders is to ensure that the organizational goals and objectives are met, and at the same time; that, the individual needs of the employees from diverse backgrounds are also taken into care.
This training program includes topics on leadership role on educational transformation, managing diverse workforce, managing change, having effective communications, using tools on continuous quality improvement and development of action plan for the TVET institute.
The objectives of the Program are to:
- Understand the effective leadership traits and challenges of 21st century
- Apply methods on how the leadership and management dynamics can contribute to the TVET institutions’ development
- Prepare an action plan to apply 21st century leadership skills and strategies
The expected outputs of the program are:
- Strategies to tackle leadership challenges
- Self-assessment report on leadership qualities
- National Seminar proceedings
- Draft PDCA framework for QMS
- Action plans to apply skills and strategies of 21st century leadership
The expected outcome is: Application of leadership styles and quality management tool for the excellence of TVET institutions
The main contents of the program are:
Special Lecture: Globally Competitive TVET Leaders
Theme Papers
- Theme Paper 1: 21st Century Leadership Traits and Challenges
- Theme Paper 2: Role of Leadership and Management Dynamics in the TVET Institutions’ Development
- Theme Paper 3: Managing Change and Improving Adaptability through Organizational Development in the 21st Century
- Theme Paper 4: Excellence of Leadership for Quality Management through PDCA Cycle in TVET Institute
- Theme Paper 5: 21st Century Leadership Development Strategy of Nepal in the TVET Context
Group Works
- Group Work 1: Apply strategies tackling challenges faced by the 21st century leaders
- Group Work 2: Self-assessment of leadership qualities
- Group Work 3: Assess organizational development in relation with the change management and adaptability
- Group Work 4: Apply PDCA cycle for continuous quality management
- Group Work 5: Develop Action Plan to apply 21st century leadership strategies and skills
National Seminar: 21st Century Skills for Ensuring Employability of TVET Graduates
Study Visits: Institutions and/or industries in Nepal