This year’s in-country program in Nepal, held from December 16-20, 2019, tackled the development of leadership skills to meet the demands of the 21st century. It was held at the Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI) in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur and invited 29 TVET instructors and practitioners from all over the country. The program was co-organized by the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) and the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT).
The participants of the program during the opening ceremony The program was organized with a realization that when TVET leaders recognize the forces that have shaped each generation, they can adapt their style to more effectively structure institution’s workflow, engage employees, and foster communication. Incorporating a range of strategies that promote collaborative relationships among the generations is a vital characteristic of strong TVET Leaders. Leveraging generational strengths requires strategic commitment but the outcome is a stronger, more innovative, adaptable, and productive TVET Institutions.
In order to incorporate these strategies, this training program includes topics on leadership role on educational transformation, managing diverse workforce, managing change, having effective communications, using tools on continuous quality improvement and development of action plan for the TVET institute. In addition, quality assurance through the Asia-Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) and Change Management through the PDCA Cycle was introduced.
Jointly supervising the program is Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane, CPSC Director General and Dr. Pushpa Rahman Wagle, CTEVT Member Secretary. Program coordination and resources were organized by Engr. Sanyog Bhatarai, Faculty Specialist of CPSC while local coordination was facilitated by Engr. Anoj Bhattarai, CTEVT Director,Technical Division.
The participants at their study visit to the Banepal Polytechnic Institute
To provide an actual demonstration of the leadership for 21st century skills being applied in the real scenario, a study visit to the Banepa Polytechnic Institute in Banepa, Kavrepalanchowk, was held. The participants were able to interact with the principal and staff members of the institute and know more about the leadership functions and operation of the institute.
National Seminar on 21st Century Skills for Ensuring Employability of TVET Graduates
The participants formulating their group action plans A half-day seminar was convened on 21st Century Skills for Ensuring Employability of TVET Graduates against the background of the emerging need of skilling youth with 21st century skills. Its purpose is to create a platform for the academicians and practitioners to exchange ideas and experiences to provide an insight on addressing the concerns and exploring opportunities for the future of work.
The seminar will provide a timely opportunity to share knowledge and experiences on the educational and training dimension of enhancing the skills in youth and to discuss the policy tools, the coordinating mechanisms and the scope of national educational and training strategies to deal with 21st century skills. It will help in promoting dialogue on the main themes towards the management of education and training standards; and strengthening cooperation among stakeholders for empowering youth through 21st century skills.
The following guests were invited and delivered presentation on the following thematic areas:
- Dr. Hari Pradhan, TVET Expert, who discussed the topic on: Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Demand-Driven TVET Programs in Nepal.
- Dr. Hari Lamsal, Joint-Secretary of the Ministry of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology who discussed the topic entitled “Present TVET Ecosystem Supportive for 21st Century Skills in Nepal?”
- Mr. Sumit Kedia, as an Industry Representative/Employer and Executive Member of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), who discussed: “Industry Expectations from TVET in Nepal”
- Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane, CPSC Director General, who discussed the topic on “Skills for 21st Century”
Overall, the seminar was able to attract 65 guests and were able to present new insights regarding the TVET implementation in Nepal.