Given the challenges posed by this pandemic, the clamor for TVET to properly prepare their students to live and work in the 21st Century is becoming more relevant. This preparation includes providing students with important skills needed in 21st Century and Industrial Revolution (I.R.) 4.0. Thus, this is very important to make the 21st century skills and components of IR 4.0 an integral part of TVET curricula. This was the realization of CPSC in organizing the regional program to impart necessary concepts, integration processes, and guidelines to incorporate the very essential components- 21st century skills and components of IR 4.0 in the TVET system.
Ms. Apsorn Konrad from Thailand presenting her action plan to the session.
During the opening ceremony, Dr. Ram emphasized that there should be change in the mindset towards modern TVET that follows the 21st century skills framework and should address not only 4.0 but to IR 5.0 as well.
Topics tackled include a special lecture on ensuring 21st century skills and IR 4.0 for the global competitiveness and innovation in the TVET, as well as topics such as: TVET 4.0 to address IR 4.0, effective vocational pedagogy to deliver 21st century skills, ICT & digital technology to integrate 21st century skills and IR 4.0 and curriculum design and framework incorporating 21st century skills.
In addition, they were asked to do SWOT analysis, identification of pedagogical tools to enhance session delivery, development of ICT tools, development of curriculum structure and formulation of action plans to translate the concepts into practical endeavors.
Group Picture of the First Group of Participants
Participants’ Response