September 11-15, 2022
Directorate of Technical Education under the Department of Technical Education and Madrasah Education Division of Ministry of Education, Bangladesh
Senior-Level Managers; Policy makers; Administrators of Strengthening Employer Engagement in CTEVT Schools (SEECS) Project


Entrepreneurship is a key driver of the economy. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) set-up by entrepreneurial persons are a major source of creation of wealth and jobs. Eventually these SMEs upgrade to large scale enterprise and thereby contribute significantly in the economic development of any country. An entrepreneurial career presents more opportunities to exercise creative freedom, higher self-esteem, and an overall greater sense of control to the entrepreneurs. As a result, many experienced business people, political leaders, economists, and educators believe that fostering a robust entrepreneurial culture will maximize individual and collective economic and social success on a local, national, and global scale.

Entrepreneurs have been referred to as the human agents needed “to mobilize capital, to exploit natural resources, to create markets and to carry on trade” (Harbison and Myers). Joseph Schumpeter, the first major writer to highlight the human agent in the process of economic development, believed that the economy was propelled by the activities of persons “who wanted to promote new goods and new methods of production or to exploit a new source of materials or new market” not merely for profit but also for purpose of creating. Likewise, Arthur W Lewis contended that economic growth was bound to be slow unless there was an “adequate supply of entrepreneurs looking for new ideas and willing to take risks of introducing them”. It might well be said that the entrepreneurial inputs spell the difference between prosperity and poverty amongst nations.

The inadequacy of entrepreneurship is one of the inhibiting factors to accelerate the process of industrialization and economic development in a country. Indeed, the inactivity or scarcity of entrepreneurs has for some time between the factor seen by many Asia and Pacific countries as a major hindrance to economic development. The presence of abundant natural resources, skilled and unskilled labor, and capital in the form of cash or technology has not proven itself sufficient to result in a flurry of enterprising zeal among the people. In our planning processes, we have been giving greater emphasis to physical and related aspects like material, technology, finance, infrastructure, etc., without paying due attention to the training and development of entrepreneurs who use and manage it.

Experiences in entrepreneurship development have led many to conclude that a significant increase in indigenous entrepreneurship can indeed be stimulated by a well-balanced training program (Nanjappa). As Buchele has pointed out “entrepreneurship can be created and stimulated at a reasonable cost”. The costs are reasonable considering the direct benefits (in terms of increased employment and taxes paid) as well as the indirect benefits of providing impetus to the economy as a result of training.

Our Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET} systems have not given due consideration to the training of potential entrepreneurs in a structured way. Integrating entrepreneurship into the TVET sector and adopting it as a specific training discipline has still to gain grounds although some of the countries have taken steps in this direction. However, these fragmented efforts for entrepreneurship development need integration and a holistic approach for producing effective and tangible results. In fact, the TVET system of any country represents the backbone of all industrial activity. The TVET policies and programs designed specifically for entrepreneurship promotion can greatly affect the growth of entrepreneurs and also contribute towards a higher form of entrepreneurship that is technically more superior. This view has important implications for TVET system planners and policymakers. There is an urgent need to make sincere efforts in this direction.

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) create a large percentage of employment in Bangladesh and play an essential role in securing income and employment for many through the creation of new jobs and opportunities as well as a key contributor to the overall economic growth of the country. There is a need to further promote the setting up of MSMEs, especially by technical and vocational graduates to boost the economy of Bangladesh as well as create large-scale employment.

This in-country program on “Entrepreneurship Development in TVET” in Bangladesh aims to further the awareness of the participants on the relevance of entrepreneurship education in present times, the need to divert a significant chunk of TVET graduates from wage employment to entrepreneurial careers in a developing country like Bangladesh. The program will also train the participants: on adopting new strategies for entrepreneurship development in TVET, on instilling of high achievement motive amongst the graduates, in having knowledge of the financing schemes available for TVET graduates to set up MSMEs in Bangladesh, and understanding the complete process of entrepreneurship. It is hoped that cross-fertilization of ideas will contribute to the body of knowledge on entrepreneurship, resulting in a change of mind of participants in this direction. Consequently, this will result in a better policy formulation for intensifying entrepreneurial development in TVET system of Bangladesh.


At the end of the training program, the participants will have an appreciation of the relevance of entrepreneurship education in TVET, knowledge about new strategies for entrepreneurship promotion, and an understanding of the process of entrepreneurship enabling them to plan for their respective institutions and also provide support in the national effort to integrate entrepreneurship education in the TVET sector of the country for better-enhanced supply of TVET entrepreneurs.

Specifically, the participants will be able to:

  • Apply Blue Ocean Strategy for entrepreneurship promotion in TVET;
  • Understand Process of Business Incubation in TVET Institutions;
  • Have knowledge of Set-up and management of MSME units;
  • Appreciate how strong industry-academia linkages can promote entrepreneurship, and
  • Prepare an action plan for intensifying entrepreneurship in TVET institutions.

Program Contents

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:

Theme Papers

  • Theme Paper 1: Blue Ocean Strategy for Entrepreneurship Promotion in TVET
  • Theme Paper 2: Environmental Scanning and Business Opportunity Identification
  • Theme Paper 3: Innovation and Technology Business Incubation
  • Theme Paper 4: Social, Rural and Women Entrepreneurship
  • Theme Paper 5: Formulation of Business Plan
  • Theme Paper 6: Financing Schemes for Industry/Business setup by TVET Professionals
  • Theme Paper 7: Management of Micro, Small and Medium (MSME) Enterprises
  • Theme Paper 8: Industry-Academia Linkages for Entrepreneurship Development


  • Task 1: Self Analysis for Becoming Entrepreneur
  • Task 2: Identification of Internal and External Factors in Successful Bangladesh Entrepreneurs
  • Task 3: Identification of Internal and External Factors in Successful International Entrepreneurs
  • Task 4: Case Study of Business Incubator in a Technical Institution in Bangladesh
  • Task 5: Experience sharing of Entrepreneurship Activities in TVET institutions of Bangladesh, Suggestions and the Road Ahead

Project Work: Action Planning for Intensifying Entrepreneurship in TVET Institutions of Bangladesh

Instructional Strategies

The training program involves different learning methods to achieve the intended outcome such as:

  • Theme Paper (TP) Presentations
  • Tasks
  • Action Planning (AP)

Program Management and Resource Persons

Program Supervisor (CPSC) Prof. G. L. D. Wickramasinghe ( is the first Sri Lankan and the 12th Director General of CPSC. He is also the concurrent President of Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC).

Prior to his appointment as the Director General, he was a professor at the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka since 2015. Here also held key administrative posts during his career: as a former Vice Chancellor of the University of Vocational Technology (2016-2019), former Chairman of the Centre for Open and Distance Learning (CODL) of the University of Moratuwa (2015-2016), and former head of the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology (2009-2012).

He also served as the Chairman of Alethea International School (2017-2021), an independent non-executive Director of Orit Apparels Lanka Ltd. (2014-2016), and Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (2010-2015). He also served as the Director of Technical and Quality Assurance of Brandix Textiles Ltd (2013-2014). He also served as chairman and member of various public sector strategic and technical committees.

He also published over 60 research publications on topics related to textile engineering and educational management, of which over 30 are international refereed journal publications.

He was honored with 18 national and international awards including Emerald Literary Award (2018), President's Award for Scientific Publications (2017), and NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication (2016, 2011). The World Education Congress also honored him with the award for Outstanding Contribution to Education in “Sri Lanka Education Leadership Awards” in 2018.

Prof. Wickramasinghe is a graduate of a Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering from the University of Moratuwa in 1993 by which he obtained first class honors. He finished his PhD at the University of Manchester in 2003. He also obtained a PG Certificate in Learning and Teaching, the University of Arts London, UK in 2006 and an MBA in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka in 2008.

Program Supervisor (DTE) Dr. Md. Omar Faruque joined as Additional Secretary at the Technical and Madrasah Education Division (TMED) on 28th September, 2020. He has been selected as Director General, Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) as additional charge from January 25, 2022. Formerly, he worked in the Ministry of Education as a Deputy Secretary and later on for TMED as Joint Secretary.

He worked as a First Secretary (Commercial) for Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Kolkata, India for more than 5 years (2009-2014). Dr. Md. Omar Faruque received his bachelor degree with honours in Social Welfare from the Institute of Social Welfare and Research (ISWR), Dhaka University securing 1st Class 1st position. In Master’s Degree he secured 1st Class 2nd position from the same institute. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), Rajshahi University on International Labour Migration. His Ph.D. dissertation was on “International Migration and Labour Rights: Obligations, Challenges and Policy Options for Bangladesh”. His areas of interest are on international migration, labour rights, labour welfare and industrial relations, women studies and gender issues, women empowerment, social research, public policy, policy and planning, personnel and office management, human resource development, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and so on. He had joined numerous seminars/workshops/trainings in Australia, India, Nepal, Singapore, China etc; and presented papers as key note speaker in several of them.

As the Director General, DTE he is responsible for administration and management of Government Polytechnic Institutes, Technical School & Colleges of Bangladesh and Technical Teachers Training Colleges where technically skilled manpower are being trained through education and training. Under his leadership, DTE is working on TVET development policy formulation, project and program design, liaison with development partners etc.

Program Coordinator and Resource Person Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja ( is Professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship Development & Industrial Coordination (EDIC) at the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh, India, which has been established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Government in 1967. He has also held the positions of Dean (Academics and International Affairs); Head of

Departments of EDIC and Information Management & Emerging Engineering (IMEE), Chairman of Academic Cell Member-Secretary of Academic Council, Member of Board of Governors, and Chief Vigilance Officer at NITTTR Chandigarh.

Professor Dhameja has done his bachelor’s and Masters’s of Civil Engineering, MBA, and Ph.D. from premier universities in India. He started his career as a Faculty in Civil Engineering at NIT Kurukshetra (India) in 1985 and has a total work experience of 37 Years of Teaching, Training, and Research. He also has 3 years of international experience as a Governing Board engaged Faculty Consultant at CPSC, the Philippines from 2005-08.

Dr. Dhameja has visited more than 27 countries (including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore) for conducting training programs and consultancy assignments. He has many honors and distinctions to his credit and has received letters of appreciation from many international dignitaries including Ambassadors, UN Under-Secretary-General, Director Generals, and Secretary Generals of many international organizations. Prof. Dhameja gave the final shape to the APACC accreditation process, prepared all manuals and initiated accreditation of TVET institutes in Asia Pacific Region. Dr. Dhameja is also on the panel of the National Board of Accreditation (India), National Assessment and Accreditation Council (India), All India Council for Technical Education, National Project Implementation Unit (India), and UNESCO.

Dr. Dhameja has done Consultancy and Research Projects for World Bank, UNESCO at the International level and Department of Industries, Department of Information Technology, and Small Industrial Development Bank of India at the National Level. Professor Dhameja has authored and Edited 22 books (Both International and National) in the disciplines of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Entrepreneurship and has guided six Ph.D. and seven M.Tech students. One of his scholars who was working in ILO was awarded a Ph.D. degree in TVET by an American University. Dr. Dhameja has published more than 40 papers in international and national journals and presented more than 70 papers in international and national conferences.

In December 2017 Dr. Dhameja represented India in a UNESCO International Consultation Meeting on “Mainstreaming Entrepreneurship in Technical and Vocational Education and Training” in Chile (Latin America). Professor Dhameja is a Member of the Task Force on Women and Youth Entrepreneurship of UN-ESCAP Bangkok. He has visited Harvard and MIT Universities in the USA and Oxford University in the UK.

Local Resource Person Hari Pada Das is currently working for European Union since December 2019 providing Technical Assistance to Human Capital development Programme for Bangladesh 2021 (HCDP21) as the Expert for TVET. This is an EU budget support programme to Bangladesh of 200M Euro for 4-years focused on Primary Education and TVET. Conducting research/study in different areas of TVET and Skills development and currently providing capacity building support to DTE/TMED in conducting Graduate Tracer Study, development of database in TVET institutes, implementation of Result Based Management, and development of Sector Performance and Monitoring.

He also worked as the Chief Technical Advisor of ILO in Kenya during 2017 – 2019, and represent the ILO in the United Nations Africa Regional Office in Nairobi, Kenya. Implemented one Skills Development Project funded by US State Department of Labour jointly with Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare, Federation of Kenyan Employers (FKE) and Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU) Kenya.

Dr. Hari Pada Das served in ILO for ten years (2010 to 2019). Started as a Programme Officer in Bangladesh and worked as a key team member of TVET Reform Project Funded by EU. Contributed in development of National Skills Development Policy 2011, establishment of coordinating mechanism for Skills Development (NSDC), introduction of NTVQF in Bangladesh, introduction of CBT system, development of informal apprenticeship system, development of RPL system, establishment of Industry Skills Council, etc.

He started his career as a teacher of Polytechnic Institute in 1981 and served for 30 years in different positions from a class room teacher to Principal (In charge) of different Govt. Polytechnic Institutes, Specialist (Research) in Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB), Asst. Professor of Technical Teachers Training College (TTTC), Assistant Director in Directorate of Technical Education, and as Evaluation Officer in BTEB, Dr. Hari Pada Das obtained his P.hD. in TVET, Masters in Sociology, Masters in Education, Master of Business Administration, B.Sc. in Technical Education (Electrical Engineering), and Diploma in Electrical Engineering.

He conduct and guide research in TVET and on Labour Market. Facilitate TVET curriculum development. Dr. Hari Pada Das is also a writer of several books for Diploma Engineering courses.

Local Resource Person Md. Bayazid Arafin is currently working as Assistant Vice President of IFIC Bank Ltd., the 1st generation schedule bank & one of the Leading Banks in Bangladesh and concurrently, the Manager, IFIC Risk Management Department for a year now.

He joined IFIC Bank Ltd as “Probationary Officer” in 2010. In his twelve years (12) professional career with IFIC Bank, He served as an analyst of Credit Risk Management Division of IFIC Bank Ltd, Narayanganj Branch for 2 years and Credit Administration Division & Non-Performing Loan Management for 4 years and Manager, Classification Provisioning & Reporting for three (3) years. Furthermore, he had the opportunity to work as Credit Appraisal, Assessment, Disbursement Process, Documentation Handling, Communication.

Mr. Bayazid Arafin obtained his Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) major in Marketing at the University of Dhaka with CGPA of 3.47. He also received his Master’s Degree (MS) in Mathematics and Bachelors Degree in Mathematics at the Jahangimagar University.

Resource Person Engr. Md. Aktaruzzaman is currently working as Director (Planning & Development), Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) under Technical and Madrasah Education Division (TMED) of Ministry of Education. He has 26 years of professional experience in the Technical Education sector under the Ministry of Education in different roles as Instructor, Chief Instructor, Assistant Director, Vice Principal, Principal and Director (Curriculum).

He served as Director (Curriculum) in Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) for over 3 years and contributed to modernizing different curriculums such as Diploma-in-Engineering, Business Management Technology, SSC (Vocational), Dakhil (Vocational), Basic courses and many more. He contributed and initiated different research programs under BTEB and DTE. He participated in formulating TVET Development Action Plan under TMED as member secretary of the Curriculum Development task force. He also served as a member of the Disability Inclusion Advisory Group for Technical Education.

Previously Engr. Aktaruzzaman worked in different TVET teaching roles through his professional career. During his career under the DTE, he has worked almost with every major area of TVET, including administration, inspection & monitoring, project implementation and policy planning. He also worked in different private organizations, industries and the main responsibilities were maintenance of industry machineries, preparation of maintenance schedule, preparation of inventory of equipment and development of marketing policy.

With his vast and diverse experience as one of the leading TVET practitioners of the country, Engr. Aktaruzzaman has been providing expertise for TVET development project and policy formulation, international collaboration for TVET development and quality assurance of TVET delivery in Bangladesh. He is a member of the Technical Education Sub-Committee of the National Task force for Blended Learning.

Engr. Aktaruzzaman has earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and Master of Science in Environmental Science. He has done his Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science. Engr. Aktaruzzaman is a lifelong member of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). His interest areas of work are TVET policy and Implementation issues, Industrial need-based curriculum for TVET, quality assurance. He has participated in various trainings at home and abroad.