The attendees of the 112th Governing Board Meeting (left to right, top to bottom, starting from the third frame): Prof. G.L.D. Wickramasinghe, CPSC Director General; Mr. Aung Kyaw Oo, Charge d’ Affaires, Embassy of Myanmar and Governing Board Chairperson; H.E. Imtiaz Ahmad Kazi, Ambassador of Pakistan and Governing Board Vice-Chairperson; H.E. Betty Palaso, Ambassador of Papua New Guinea; H.E. F.M. Borhan Uddin, Ambassador of Bangladesh; Ms. Rosalinda Gonzales, CPSC Finance Officer; Mr. Jan Michael Marasigan, CPSC Executive Secretary; Hon. Kira Christianne Danganan-Azucena, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs-Office for United Nations and International Organizations (DFA-UNIO); H.E. Shobini Gunasekara, Ambassador of Sri Lanka; Ms. Nor Ayu Zie, First Secretary of the Embassy of Malaysia; Ms. Maria Susan dela Rama, Executive Director of the Certification Office, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority; Ms. Casey Alvarez, CPSC Human Resources Officer and Ms. Noemi Diaz, Director-Socio-Cultural Affairs Division, DFA-UNIO. Not in the picture: Ms. Veena Vernekar, First Secretary (Political), Embassy of India; Flag Officer Somporn Pandam, Deputy Secretary-General, Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Thailand; Mr. Felix Sibal, CPSC ICT Officer.
The Colombo Plan Staff College convened 17 members of the Governing Board and key CPSC officers for its 112th Governing Board Meeting, held online due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The meeting was conducted via Zoom and was held on January 27, 2021.

The meeting focused on the following agenda: (1) Adoption of the 111th Governing Board Meeting held on June 24, 2021; (2) Report of External Audit of CPSC’s Financial Statements for FY 2020-2021; (2) Report of CPSC Activities and Financial Status (Midyear Report for FY 2021-2022); (3) Results of the Final Interview of the Governing-Board Engaged Faculty Consultant and Candidates and (4) Line-Up of CPSC Programs for January until June 2022.
In addition, the Governing Board members also discussed key issues that affected the CPSC member countries particularly the impact of Covid-19 to present operations, as well as the challenges to CPSC’s operations. Achievements and highlights of CPSC’s operations were also shared for the information of all attendees