Photo courtesy of denayune

The Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) extends their cordial greetings to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in celebration of their 76th Independence Day this January 4, 2024. This commemorates the official declaration of their Independence from Britain on January 4, 1948 after 60 years of its colonial rule.


Prior to the magisterial independence of Burma (now known as Myanmar), this nation lived through the colonizations of Great Britain and Japan. In the 19th century, Britain looked for ways to support their economy and expand their production potential in Southeast Asia, resulting in colonizing parts of Burma in 1826. Leaders of Burmese ethnic groups joined together to fight against the British power and prompted the three Anglo-Burmese Wars. Since then, Burma became a province of British India. This affected the culture and traditions of the Burmese people, which also extended to estrange the ethnic groups in Burma and caused them to be more divided.

Later during World War II, Japan wanted to remove the British influence from Burma. However, the Burmese soldiers stood with the British to push out the Japanese forces. Towards the end of the war, nationalist leader Aung San had established a political and military power base to form a deal with Great Britain, allowing San to be seated in the Burmese government in 1946.

Aung San, 1947
Photo courtesy of Encyclopædia Britannica

San’s ruling in Burma was challenged by conflicts between Burma’s rival ethnic groups, which then he signed the Panglong agreement together with ethnic leaders in January 1947. The agreement was made to guarantee the independence of Burma as a unified state. Burma finally became an independent republic in 1948, having Sao Shwe Thaik as the first president and U Nu as the first prime minister of the nation.

Independence Day Activities

In honor of Myanmar’s autonomy and patriotism, their Independence Day allows the Myanmar people to spend time with their families and friends. As a public holiday, the majority of business engagements and government offices are closed during Independence Day.

This day is being celebrated by the Burmese people through various events, which include large military parades, flag raising and singing of Kaba Ma Kyei, Myanmar’s national anthem, and other activities that may engage their people. A Presidential Address is also being done by the president and vice president to commemorate this Burmese holiday that has been a reflection of their extensive history.

Military parade during the 75th anniversary of Myanmar’s Independence Day
Photo courtesy of Xinhua News

Flag-raising ceremony during the 72nd Myanmar's Independence Day
Photo courtesy of Xinhua News

The ceremony this year is organized with five national objectives that aim for a free and fair election under the law, and encourage their nation to cast votes. This was discussed during the first coordination meeting of the 76th Anniversary of Independence Day Organizing Central Committee held at the office of the State Administration Council Chairman in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

  1. To uphold “Our Three Main National Causes” — Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of national solidarity and Perpetuation of sovereignty, which are national interests and national politics
  2. To ensure the promotion of a comprehensive education sector that produces human resources with perfect abilities like intelligence, skills, and talents in building a Union based on democracy and federalism
  3. To make efforts to hold free and fair elections under the law and ensure the right to vote across the nation
  4. To foster public cooperation for state stability and strengthen the multiparty democratic system at the end of acts of terrorism
  5. To promote agriculture and livestock-based MSMEs


  • CENTRAL COMMITTEE’S MEETING: FOR HOLDING THE 76TH INDEPENDENCE DAY 2024. (n.d.). Myanmar International TV. Retrieved January 2, 2024, from
  • Independence Day 2024, 2025 and 2026 in Myanmar. (n.d.). PUBLIC HOLIDAYS GLOBAL. Retrieved January 2, 2024, from
  • Myanmar News Agency. (2023, October 10). 76th anniversary of Independence Day Celebration to meet five national objectives - Global New Light of. Global New Light Of Myanmar.