July 8-12, 2024
Margalla Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan
Regional Program
Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) and
National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Islamabad, Pakistan


In the evolving landscape of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the principles of empowerment and inclusivity stand as paramount pillars. In recent years, a profound shift has occurred, accentuated by the twin forces of digitalization and green practices. These forces not only revolutionize industries but also offer unprecedented opportunities to empower the workforce while fostering gender inclusivity. This transformative journey within the TVET sector signifies a crucial stride towards a more equitable and sustainable future. At the heart of this transformation lies the integration of digital technologies into educational frameworks. Digitalization has unleashed a myriad of tools and platforms that transcend traditional learning boundaries, enabling a more accessible and personalized educational experience. Through online platforms, virtual simulations, and interactive modules, TVET institutions can cater to diverse learning styles, thereby empowering individuals to acquire skills at their own pace and convenience. Moreover, digitalization facilitates the dissemination of knowledge beyond geographical constraints, reaching marginalized communities and underserved populations, thus promoting inclusivity on a broader scale.

Simultaneously, the embrace of green practices within TVET institutions not only addresses environmental concerns but also cultivates a culture of sustainability and responsibility among learners. By incorporating sustainable technologies and practices into curricula, students are equipped with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing global landscape. Whether it's training in renewable energy systems, sustainable construction techniques, or eco-friendly manufacturing processes, green-focused TVET programs empower individuals to become agents of positive change, capable of contributing to a greener economy and society. Central to the ethos of empowerment and inclusivity is the recognition of gender diversity within the workforce. Historically, certain fields within the TVET sector have been perceived as male-dominated, perpetuating gender stereotypes and barriers to entry for women. However, digitalization and green practices offer a transformative pathway towards gender inclusivity. By dismantling traditional barriers to entry and providing flexible learning opportunities, digital platforms empower women to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated sectors such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and skilled trades. Additionally, the emphasis on green practices fosters the emergence of new job roles that appeal to a more diverse workforce, thus creating pathways for women to excel in environmentally focused professions.

In Pakistan, the convergence of digitalization and green practices within the TVET landscape holds significant promise for ushering in a new era of empowerment and inclusivity. By embracing these transformative forces, TVET institutions across the country can equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in an ever-evolving job market. This is particularly crucial in a nation where economic growth is closely linked to technological advancement and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, prioritizing gender inclusivity within TVET programs is essential for ensuring that the benefits of this transformation reach all segments of society. In Pakistan, gender disparities persist in various sectors, including technical and vocational fields. However, by actively promoting gender diversity and providing equal opportunities for men and women to access TVET education and training, we can break down barriers and create a more inclusive workforce.

Thus, CPSC in collaboration with NAVTTC is organizing this in-country program “Inclusive Workforce through TVET Digitalization and Green Practices” seeks to provide a discussion space for the representatives from various institutes in Pakistan to further cement the role to navigate this dynamic landscape, it is imperative that Pakistan seizes the opportunity to build a future where empowerment and inclusivity are not merely ideals but tangible realities for all its citizens. By investing in digital infrastructure, promoting green practices, and fostering a culture of equality within TVET institutions, Pakistan can lay the groundwork for a more prosperous and sustainable future.


The participants are expected to:

  • Understand the concept of empowerment and inclusivity in TVET through digitalization and green practices
  • Appreciate the need and importance of accessibility and personalized learning experiences in TVET through digital platforms programs and institutions to respond to the national, regional, and global labor market
  • Understand the gender diversity and equality in traditionally male-dominated fields
  • Comprehend the steps involved in how to equip individuals with skills for a greener economy and society
  • Cultivate a culture of sustainability and responsibility among TVET learners.
  • Create a discussion opportunity and experience sharing for a prosperous and sustainable future in member countries through investment in digital infrastructure and green practices in TVET.
  • Break down barriers and create pathways for women in technical and vocational fields.

Expected Outcomes

The Participants are expected to gain comprehensive knowledge to enhance their capacity towards empowering workforce and gender inclusivity by navigating the TVET landscape through digitalization and green practices

Program/Conference Strategies

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:

Theme Papers & Presentations on the following:

  • Special Lecture-1: Empowering Workforce through TVET Landscaping: Strategies for Success
  • Theme Paper 1: Beyond the Classroom: Uniting Education and Industry for Future-Ready TVET Programs
  • Theme Paper 2: Synergizing Industry and Education: Cultivating Dynamic Partnerships for TVET Excellence
  • Theme Paper 3: Digital Revolution: Understanding the impact of digitalization on TVET
  • Theme Paper 4: Digitalization in TVET: Tools and Strategies for Transformation
  • Theme Paper 5: Exploring effective strategies for integrating digitalization into TVET curricula and training programs
  • Theme Paper 6: The Importance of Green Skills in Sustainable Development
  • Theme Paper 7: Strategies & Practical Approaches for Greening Campuses

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Bridging the Gap Between Employers and TVET Institutions for Enhanced Workforce Preparedness through NSIS
  • Digital tools and technologies transforming TVET, including online platforms, virtual simulations, and interactive modules

International Conference on Digitalization and Sustainability for Inclusive Workforce Development in TVET

Participants' Profile

The participants can be Policy makers, TVET leaders, industrialists, College Principals / College Vice-Principals / Assistant College Directors, Administrators, Teachers/instructors/lecturers, and educational persons related to TVET Authority and Private TVET institute persons one way or either way.

Date and Venue

The Regional Program will be held at Margalla Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan, from July 08-12, 2024

Facilities Requirements

To conduct the program smoothly, the following facilities are required:

  • Laptop computers (preferably participants to bring their laptop)
  • Internet Connection (LAN/WAN)
  • Audio and Video Equipment
  • Multimedia Projector and Projection Screen

Program Management and Resource Persons

Program Supervisor Prof. G. L. D. Wickramasinghe
Director General
Colombo Plan Staff College
Bldg. Blk. C, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Program Supervisor Ms. Gulmina Bilal Ahmad
National Vocational & Technical Training Commission
Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training
Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

Program Supervisor Mr. Muhammad Aamir Jan
Executive Director
National Vocational & Technical Training Commission
Headquarter plot-38, Kirthar road H-9/4
Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

Program Coordinator and Resource Person Engr. Dr. Mian Khuram Ahsan
Senior Faculty Specialist
Colombo Plan Staff College
Bldg. Blk. C, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Program Local Coordinator and Resource Person Dr. Henna Karamat
Director (International Cooperation)
National Vocational & Technical Training Commission,
Headquarter plot-38, Kirthar road H-9/4
Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Ms. Qurrat-ul-Ain
Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI), and
Founder & CEO ITHM College Faisalabad

Resource Person Atif Mahmood
Program Component Manager
TVET Sector Support Programme
German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
GIZ Office Pakistan
Level 2, Serena Business Complex,
Khayaban-e-Suhrawardy, Sector G-5/1
Islamabad, Pakistan

Resource Person Muhammad Bilal Abbasi
General Manager
Ignite, Islamabad

Resource Person Dr. Steven McKee
Labtech International Ltd.
Sekupang Industrial Park Kavling 34
Sekupang, Batam, Indonesia 29428

Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Mr. Brad Ker
Director Digital Programs – Labtech International
General Manager – Labtech Academy
Labtech International Ltd.
Labtech Academy, Batam, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Prof. Dr. Ali Sajid
Management & Leadership and Corporate Trainer

Program Schedule