The Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) together with the Department of Polytechnic and Community College Education (DPCCE) organized the Staff Development Program for Malaysia on Leadership and Management of TVET Institute under the supervision of Prof. G.L.D. Wickramasinghe, CPSC Director General; Dr. HJ Mohd Zahari Bin Ismail, DPCCE Director General; and Ts. Zulkurnain bin Shahadan, DPCCE, Director of Competency and Career Enhance Division. The program was held at the Crystal Crown Hotel in Malaysia from July 22 to July 26, 2024.

A total of 31 Directors from Malaysian polytechnics and community colleges under DPCCE participated in the program where they were expected to gain a strong sense of leadership and management of TVET institute knowledge to enhance their capacity to fulfill the needs of the future multiple transitions. The training program also served as a discussion space for the representatives from various institutes in Malaysia.

Prof. G.L.D. Wickramasinghe, CPSC Director General (left); and Nawwar Adibah binti Wahid, DPCCE Senior Assistant Director (right) give their welcome remarks during the opening ceremony

The five-day program was inaugurated on July 22, 2024. Prof. Wickramasinghe welcomed the participants and distinguished guests in his opening remarks. Meanwhile, DPCCE Senior Assistant Director Nawwar Adibah binti Wahid delivered a welcome message on behalf of Dr. Mohd Zahari, wherein she expressed her appreciation towards CPSC and DPCCE for their valuable contribution to the success of the program. She also elaborated the role and significance of leadership and management in developing TVET institutions in the country.

Prof. Wickramasinghe (top left); Engr. Dr. Mian Khuram Ahsan, CPSC Senior Faculty Specialist (top right); Ms. Teh Sook Ling, Executive Director in Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (bottom left); Dr. Ashizah Bt. Sahekhanini, DPCCE Deputy Director of Community and Industry Collaboration Division (bottom right) deliver their respective lectures

Throughout the sessions, theme papers were presented by the engaged resource speakers while workshops were facilitated by Program Coordinators Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, CPSC Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant; and Engr. Dr. Mian Khuram Ahsan, CPSC Senior Faculty Specialist together with four local experts. Prof. Wickramasinghe also delivered a special lecture on the topic, Implementing Effective Management Practices in TVET.

Dr. Shamsuri bin Abdullah, Director of Politeknik Ungku Omar (top left); Dr. Chandra Sagaran M. Muniandy, Chairman of Malaysian Green Technology Society (top center); and H.E. Irfan Davudov, Ambassador of Republic of Azerbajian in Malaysia (top right) facilitate their lectures in the national seminar

In addition, the program held a National Seminar on Empowering Leadership in TVET. This consisted of a panel discussion formed by Prof. Wickramasinghe; Engr. Dr. Ahsan; Dr. Chandra Sagaran M. Muniandy, Chairman of Malaysian Green Technology Society; and Dr. Shamsuri bin Abdullah, Director of Politeknik Ungku Omar (PUO). Ambassador of Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Irfan Davudov also joined the session, including 25 APACC accredited institutes and 20 participants in various industries and non-government organizations took part in the National Seminar. After the seminar, the participants visited the Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd wherein they learned about the solar and electrical functions of the airport rail company as part of the study visit in the program design.

Participants during the study visit

During the closing ceremony, some participants were selected to give their feedback and insights about the program. They were also conferred with certificates in completion of the lectures and activities. The five-day program ended with the closing remarks imparted by Prof. Wickramasinghe, and Ts. Abdul Razak bin Sabtu, DPCCE Senior Director.