Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja, upon assumption of his duties as 13th CPSC Director General (DG) paid his first courtesy visit to the Ambassador designate of India H.E. Shri Harsh Kumar Jain at the Ambassador’s residence in Makati City on September 18, 2024.

Prof. Dr. Dhameja introduced himself to the Ambassador that he is a former faculty member of the CPSC and was selected through a Special Governing Board session, his arrival to the Philippines as he joined the College and took charge of his duties. He also shared with the Ambassador relevant information about CPSC, its composition of 16 active member countries, its advocacy, objectives and vision for its stakeholders, being newly designated as well as Ambassador of India in the Philippines. The CPSC DG also briefly apprised the Ambassador about the activities of the College, including the bi-annual Governing Board Meetings that the Ambassador, as a Governing Board Member, will be requested to attend in fulfillment of his pivotal role in CPSC as a member of the College’s policy-making body-the CPSC Governing Board.

The Indian Ambassador-designate congratulated the newly-installed CPSC DG and wished the best for CPSC under his leadership. He expressed his support to his new journey in CPSC, this time as a Director General as he pledged his guidance and advice to the endeavors of the College.

Both the new Ambassador-designate and the new DG looked forward to strong collaborative efforts for the College in the near future.

The Ambassador received the DG at his residence together with his wife Mrs. Jain. The DG was accompanied by Ms. Arlene Cruz, Executive Secretary of CPSC.