September 9-13, 2024
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Pekan Campus, Pahang, Malaysia
In-Country Program
Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC), and
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA),
Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia


Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is essential in equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for employment and career advancement. The training methodology in TVET focuses on practical, hands-on learning experiences that are directly applicable to the workplace. This approach ensures that learners acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also the practical skills required to perform effectively in their chosen fields. Key components of TVET training methodologies include competency-based training, industry partnerships, work-based learning, and the integration of technology in education.

The current training methodology in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is predominantly centered around Competency-Based Training (CBT). This approach focuses on ensuring that learners acquire specific skills and competencies required in the workforce. It emphasizes practical, hands-on learning experiences where students must demonstrate proficiency in performing tasks to industry standards before they are deemed competent. Work-Based Learning (WBL) is another crucial component, integrating classroom instruction with practical work experiences such as apprenticeships, internships, and on-the-job training. This method allows learners to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, enhancing their readiness for employment.

Additionally, TVET programs often employ modular training, breaking down courses into smaller, focused units that allow learners to progress at their own pace. This flexible structure accommodates varying learning speeds and focuses on individual areas for improvement. Industry partnerships play a significant role in TVET, ensuring that curricula remain aligned with current market needs and providing resources, expertise, and work placement opportunities. Continuous assessment and certification based on specific competencies further reinforce the practical and performance-based nature of TVET, giving clear evidence of a learner's skills to potential employers.

Innovative teaching methods are transforming TVET by making it more engaging, flexible, and relevant to modern industry demands. Blended Learning, which combines online digital media with traditional classroom instruction, offers flexibility and allows students to access materials and participate in interactive online activities while still benefiting from face-to-face practical training. Project-Based Learning (PBL) immerses students in real-world projects, encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, thereby making learning more relevant and application-oriented.

Technological advancements such as Simulation and Virtual Reality (VR) provide immersive, hands-on learning experiences in a controlled environment, allowing students to practice skills in scenarios that closely mimic real-life situations without the associated risks. The Flipped Classroom model enhances classroom interaction and practical application by introducing new content outside of class and using class time for hands-on activities and discussions. Competency-Based Education (CBE) personalized learning, allows students to progress at their own pace upon demonstrating mastery of specific skills, ensuring a thorough and effective learning process.

Mobile Learning and online collaborative tools further support flexible and continuous learning by enabling access to educational resources and interactive platforms anytime and anywhere. Gamification and personalized learning paths add an element of engagement and customization, making the learning experience more enjoyable and tailored to individual needs. By incorporating these innovative methods, TVET programs can better prepare learners for the evolving demands of the modern workforce.

Thus, the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in collaboration with the Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia is organizing this in-country program on “Training Methodology in TVET and Innovative TVET Teaching Methods” which seeks to provide a discussion space for the representatives from various institutes in Malaysia. The program further aims to cement the role of TVET practitioners in the success of TVET programs in the 21st century that hinges upon the capabilities of their institutions and their students. By possessing a unique combination of hard TVET skills, exceptional leadership qualities, and amiable interpersonal attitudes, these managers can drive their institutions toward excellence, preparing students to thrive in an ever-changing global economy. At the end of the training program, the participants will be able to gain theoretical and practical experiences in transforming their institutions to be future-ready and compliant institutes in anticipation of related activities and for future improvement.


The participants are expected to:

  • Develop and introduce TVET Teaching Methodology to instructors/lecturers for teaching TVET academic program Level 6 and above MQF (Bachelor’s Degree and above)
  • Provide learners with broad knowledge, and technical and/or non-technical skills relevant to an area of study and/or work with moderate autonomy and responsibilities, with some level of creativity and management skills subject to broad guidance and direction.

Expected Output and Outcomes

The participants in the course will be expected to acquire a deep understanding of training methodology and innovative new teaching methods in TVET to meet the forthcoming challenges of educational and industry transitions.

  • To be able to identify and design organizational strategies to materialize the qualities in teaching.
  • To gain related training in innovative teaching skills for TVET educators for TVET academic programs.
  • To be more competent in the subject being taught.

Program Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following topics will be presented and discussed in a consultative manner:

Special Lecture and Theme Papers

  • Special Lecture: Blue Ocean Strategy for Entrepreneurship Training in TVET in the Asia Pacific Region
  • Theme Paper 1: Introduction to Principle Learning in TVET
  • Theme Paper 2: Professional Development and Continuous Improvement
  • Theme Paper 3: Introduction to TVET Training Methodologies
  • Theme Paper 4: Innovative Pedagogical & Integration ICT Approaches in TVET
  • Theme Paper 5: Excellence in Leadership for Change Management Through the PDCA Cycle in TVET

Seminar on Empowering Leadership in TVET:

  • Session 1: Enhancing Innovative using AI tools in TVET Teaching and Learning
  • Session 2: Sustainable Management for TVET Institutes in Teaching Method Perspectives
  • Session 3: Greening TVET for Higher Learning Institutions - Way Forward

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Workshop 1: Instructional Design and Curriculum Development (Competency-Based Education (CBE))
  • Workshop 2: Training Delivery and Assessment
  • Workshop 3: Driving AI Strategies.

Approach and Methodology

Instructional Strategies

To achieve the intended outcome, the following strategies will be adopted during the training program:

  • Blended learning including face-to-face (F2F) and special lectures, videos, and presentations
  • Brainstorming and experience sharing
  • Group tasks and discussions
  • Study visit
  • Project work and presentation

Participants' Profile

The program participants will be professors and teachers in the Engineering Department from MTUN universities, polytechnics, and other TVET institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. A total of __ participants are expected to attend the training.

Date and Venue

The five-day meeting and workshop will take place from September 9 to 13, 2024 at the Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Pekan Campus, Pahang, Malaysia.

Facilities Requirements

To conduct the program smoothly, the following facilities are required:

  • Laptop computers (preferably participants to bring their laptop)
  • Internet Connection (LAN/WAN)
  • Audio and Video Equipment
  • Multimedia Projector and Projection Screen

Program Management and Resource Persons

Program Supervisor Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja
Director General
Colombo Plan Staff College
Bldg. Blk. C, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Program Supervisor Professor Dato' Ts. Dr. Yuserrie bin Zainuddin DIMP.
Vice- Chancellor
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Centre for Advance TVET
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Program Coordinator and Resource Person Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen
Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant
Colombo Plan Staff College
Bldg. Blk. C, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Local Program Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Shahrir Mohd Sani
Centre for Advance TVET
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Prof. Ts. Dr. Hamdan Bin Daniyal
Associate Professor and Dean
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (FTKEE)
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Centre for Advance TVET
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Ms. Teh Sook Ling
Executive Director
Selangor Human Resource Development Centre
Jalan Tinju 13/50, Seksyen 13
40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Prof Dr Abdullah Ibrahin
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Centre for Advance TVET
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Dr. Choo Yun Huoy
Associate Professor
Department of Intelligent Computing and Analytics
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
Email: [email protected]

Resource Person Assoc. Prof Dr Awanis Romli
Director at Centre of Instructional Resources & e-Learning
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Centre for Advance TVET
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

National Seminar on Empowering Innovative and Teaching Methods in TVET

Program Supervisor Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja
Director General
Colombo Plan Staff College
Bldg. Blk. C, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Program Supervisor Professor Dato' Ts. Dr. Yuserrie bin Zainuddin DIMP.
Vice- Chancellor
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
Centre for Advance TVET
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Program Coordinator and Resource Person Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen
Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant
Colombo Plan Staff College
Bldg. Blk. C, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig City 1600, Metro Manila, Philippines
Email: [email protected]

Local Program Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Shahrir Mohd Sani
Centre for Advance TVET
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA)
26600 Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]

Program Schedule