The CPSC Director General Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja recently visited the Indo-Swiss Training Centre (ISTC) in Chandigarh, India to meet with the centre’s Vice-Principal Engr. Harichand Singh. The visit, held on December 26, 2024, involved discussions regarding the future of CPSC and ISTC as potential partners in various skills-based training programs and other TVET-related activities. One such skills based program was proposed to be held in NITTTR Chandigarh in collaboration with ISTC.

Such initiatives could not only open up opportunities for the further development of TVET in India, but also strengthen the country’s long-standing relationship with CPSC and the rest of its member countries. Eyeing collaborative activities in the future, this brewing partnership between CPSC and ISTC could open the doors to a potential APACC accreditation down the line.

The Indo-Swiss Training Centre (ISTC) is a technical training institution operating under the Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) in Chandigarh, which is itself under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, Govt. of India.

The CPSC Director General Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja with Engr. Harichand Singh, ISTC Vice-Principal, during the visit