All smiles. JZGMSAT and APACC Team posed for a photo after the rigorous three-day on-site visit.
Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades (JZGMSAT) became the first institution under Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Philippines, to undergo on-site reaccreditation in two years since the COVID-19 pandemic has globally dominated. APACC successfully conducted the on-site visit to JZGMSAT on August 16 -18, 2022 in Biñan, Laguna, Philippines.
From left to right: Mr. Benito Reyes, JZGMSAT Vocational School Administrator III; Dr. Paiboon Saiyawongs, Lead Accreditor from Thailand, Engr. Vladimir Santos, Member Accreditor from the Philippines; Dr. Kesavan Ulaganten, CPSC GB-Engaged Faculty Consultant; and Ms. Marisoc Catud, Documentation Officer from CPSC
JZGMSAT had been APACC-accredited in 2009 and 2012, earning bronze awards for both accreditation cycles. Once again, JZGMSAT seeks to renew its accreditation in its continued and determined pursuit of achieving its vision to become a premier polytechnic institution in the region.
The brief opening program was followed by a tour of facilities to showcase the amenities and equipment in the institution. The rest of the days were dedicated to the detailed discussion and evidence validation for every indicator of the seven APACC criteria on Governance and Management, Teaching and Learning, Human Resources, Research and Development, Image and Sustainability, Other Resources, and Support to Students.
The 3-day on-site visit was concluded with an exit program wherein Mr. Benito Reyes, in his closing remarks, acknowledged the whole team’s commitment to the preparation for the accreditation and their contribution to making the whole accreditation endeavor possible. He also expressed his gratitude to the APACC team for the time and effort they allotted to the activity and assured that the feedback would be taken into consideration for the improvement of services of the institution. The short program was also graced by the presence of the Provincial Director of TESDA-Laguna, Ms. Carizza Dacuma to show her support and appreciation for JZGMSAT’s pursuit of excellence through APACC accreditation. Lastly, the initial commendations, affirmations, and recommendations were presented by the lead accreditor, Dr. Paiboon Saiyawongs.